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- Jl. Serma Cok Ngurah Gambir
Singapadu, Batubulan - Gianyar - Bali

Info dan Pemesanan
email : infowisatabali@yahoo.com
BB PIN :273E1B12 atau 2113B810

Berlokasi di Singapadu, Gianyar, Bali Bird Park (Taman Burung Bali) merupakan salah satu tempat wisata favorit khususnya bagi keluarga dan anak-anak.

Kawasan Taman Burung ini terkenal akan koleksi burungnya yang langka dan merupakan ikon Bali, Jalak Bali (Starling).

Jumlah pengunjung taman burung yang memiliki koleksi sekitar 1.000 satwa jenis unggas dari 250 spesies itu normal berkisar 200-250 orang, sementara selama libur panjang akhir pekan ini melonjak berkisar 400-500 wisatawan per hari.

Pengunjung taman burung berasal dari berbagai negara, pengunjung wisatawan asal Rusia mencapai 30% dan wisatawan asing lainnya dari berbagai negara seperti kawasan Eropa, Asia dan Australia sekitar 40%.

Dibuka pertama kali pada bulan Oktober 1995, taman burung itu terus dikembangkan dan ditambah koleksinya. Tak kurang dari 1.000 ekor burung dari 250 spesies unggas terdapat di situ. Wisatawan bukan hanya bisa menikmati pesona burung-burung yang ada, melainkan dapat pula melihat pengembangbiakan burung sejak dari telur sampai menetas, saat-saat burung diberi makan, bahkan berfoto bersama sejumlah burung eksotis di tempat itu. Taman burung itu juga dilengkapi dengan restoran, kafe, dan toko yang menjual berbagai cenderamata yang berkaitan dengan burung.

WNI dan Pemegang KITAS
Harga : Rp. 80.000/orang

Harga : USD 25/orang

Harga sudah termasuk:
Tiket masuk ke Bali Bird Park dan Bali Reptilia Park


Find yourself at the Bali Bird Park to witness the largest and finest collection of Indonesian birds in the world plus fantastic birds from Africa & South America.

Encompassing two hectares of botanical landscape, the park provides sanctuary to almost 1000 birds of 250 different species.

The park accommodates an amazing display of flora with more then 2000 tropical plants including 50 varieties of palms alone and attracting numerous butterflies.

Incorporating a breeding, research and veterinary facility within the complex, the park has a high success rate in the captive reproduction of exotic birds such as the Bird. of Paradise and Hornbill.
The park is divided into regions that recreate the natural habitats of our birds, complete with indigenous plant life and traditional artefacts for authenticity.

Experience the original Jungle birds of Bali and encounter the world's rarest bird, the Bali Starling.

Discover the exotic birds of Papua and one of the most comprehensive collections of Bird of Paradise in the whole world.

Travel to Far East Indonesia, home to an amazing array of birds as well as the extraordinary Komodo Dragon, a giant carnivorous lizard which is a direct descendant of the dinosaur and rarely seen in captivity.

See the fantastic Javan Hawk and Serpent Eagles - & listen to the sweet sounds of Java's song birds echoing through the foliage.

Visit the deep jungle and misty mountain ranges of Sumatra for rare and strange endemic birds.

Venture to other tropical continents to view our collection of South American exotics such as the Scarlet Macaw and Toucan, witness the Congo Grey Parrot and other birds of the African Savannah.

See Cassowaries, Cranes, Storks & Pelicans and many more birds as they wander freely living and breeding uninhibited throughout the park.

Stroll within the boundaries of our giant walk-through aviaries that replicate the natural eco-systems of the Bali Jungle and Papuan Rainforest.

Pathways and bridges are carved through the dense foliage where only filtered sunlight manages to penetrate the canopy of greenery overhead.

Several vantage points have been strategically positioned to catch glimpses of free flying birds as they follow their survival instincts of foraging for food, nesting and mating.

These protected enclosures safeguard rare species from outside predators, whilst still exposing them to the various aspects of living in the wild.

Within 2 hectare of Balinese landscape and a free range birds, Bali Bird Park is a popular place for :

* arranged a special program for family gatherings
* corporate program
* group arrangements
* student group special education
* other creative competition such as photo shooting
* painting
* drawing or
*annual gathering

Bali Bird Park plays a key role in protecting and conserving Indonesia’s endangered wildlife.
The Park have successfully bred many species, including the rare Pesquet’s Parrot and numerous Bali Starlings. Bali Bird Park accommodate more than 40 species of protected Indonesian birds in the park, a growing number of which are now breeding successfully under the care of our staff.

The staff are proud of their new additions some of which can be seen in their incubators through the observation windows of the laboratory & nursery building.

Bali Bird Park - Jl. Serma Cok Ngurah Gambir
Singapadu, Batubulan - Gianyar - Bali

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